Salad Secrets

Fresh as a cucumber


Rather pay more for fresh ingredients and serve smaller portions. 

Salad Secrets Plating Color Ingredients Recipes


Unless it’s an all-green salad, play with at least three colors. 

Salad Secrets Quick Easy Dressing Ingredients Recipes


Green salads are often over-dressed. (See our winning recipe below.)

Salad Secrets Color Ingredients Recipes


Anything tastes better when presented beautifully.

Salad Dressing Recipe | Quick & Easy

Mix about a teaspoon of Maple syrup with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. (Vary measurements to taste.) 

If you have a recipe that maybe was passed on over generations, we’d love you to share your gem with us on our Facebook platform.

Also, if you add a photo or two you may be the lucky one whose recipe is featured on  World Recipes! We might ask you for a story behind the recipe, should you wish to share one. Such as how the recipe got passed on to you and any other interesting traditions associated with the recipe itself.  Let’s share these treasures that should not be lost.

Fresh is Best Healthy Living Salad Secrets

Grow Your Own Veggies

The Salad Superpower

Growing your own veggies is like having a superpower for your salad game! Check out the perks:

  • Salad Secret Unlocked: Yep, you’re in on the inside scoop.
  • Money Saver: It’s budget-friendly compared to store buys.
  • Sunshine Bonus: Free vitamin D just by hanging out in the sun.
  • Go Organic, Be Healthy: Fresh, clean, and good for you.
  • Hobby Alert: Get your green thumbs busy!
  • Chill Out: It’s a stress-buster. Sayonara, worries!
  • Impress-o-Meter: Your guests will be seriously wowed.
  • Feel-Good Vibes: Satisfaction levels through the roof!

Gift Ideas . . .

Grow Your Own Veggies

To help you grow your own vegetables, we’ve selected the top 5 vegetable-growing e-books. And if you want to take it a step further, why not gift one of these books to a friend as a birthday, anniversary, or friendship gift? They make perfect gifts!