Virgin Atlantic now serves over 30

fabulous destinations worldwide

Virgin Atlantic UK is one of Britain’s most successful stories. From their first leased jumbo to the UK’s second-largest long-haul airline, they’ve withstood the tribulations of the air industry. 

From dazzling cities and dream family holidays to adventures, relaxation, or a taste of the exotic.

From North America to Africa, the Caribbean Islands, or Asia

Virgin Atlantic UK aims to offer the best flying experience to its passengers across a superb range of choice destinations. Such as connecting you from the UK to more than 200 new North American gateways.

The Motivation behind Virgin Atlantic

Richard Branson

Many a frustrating travel experience left Richard Branson feeling determined to show the world how it should be done. “Screw it, let’s do it”! And so Virgin Atlantic came about in 1984.

You can read about the lessons in life he picked up along the way in his e-book (it also makes for a superb gift!) as he shares fascinating and interesting stories from his life.

Richard Branson is a great example of overcoming life’s hurdles. Despite having dyslexia, he proved that success is a mindset and if you work hard enough, you will reach your dream. He puts his success down to luck, speed, and hard work that included nights and weekends.

My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them ...

He probably inherited his entrepreneurial skills from his late mother who successfully made and sold wooden tissue boxes and bins in London. His mother passed away in January 2021 from COVID-10, at the age of 96.

I suppose the secret to bouncing back is not only to be unafraid of failures but to use them as motivational and learning tools... There's nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as you don't make the same ones over and over again

Why Richard Branson called it Virgin

Richard Brandon is known for his out-of-the-box thinking and doing. A lack of experience never discouraged him. Quite the contrary. And it is evident in the success story of Virgin Atlantic UK. And that is where the meaning of the name “Virgin” in his business group and companies comes to fruition. He and his employees were inexperienced and new to their business ventures. 

Virgin Atlantic to begin London to Bahamas route in November

"Virgin Atlantic will be launching a London to The Bahamas route, with flights twice per week beginning in November, it recently announced in a press statement."

Click here for the full article...

new partnership with Plaza Premium Group to develop lounges at key hubs

“With 22 years of experience in creating exquisite, award-winning airport moments, the PPG team looks forward to serving Virgin Atlantic passengers and deliver each of these signature lounge experiences to life.”

Click here for the full article...

You don't learn to walk by following rules. ...

Inspirational and Motivational Gift Ideas

for yourself, or that someone special...

Ebook Losing My Virginity RIchard Branson Virgin Atlantic UK airlines flights

An International Best-Selling Autobiography.

Ebook How to listen learn laugh and lead RIchard Branson Virgin Atlantic UK airlines flights

How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead

Ebook Like A Virgin RIchard Branson Virgin Atlantic UK airlines flights

Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School

Ebook Finding My Virginity RIchard Branson Virgin Atlantic UK airlines flights

The New Autobiography