Worried about a budget?  You can travel the world nearly free of cost.

Not all of us can afford to book a world trip to the best ultra-luxury hotels and places in the world.  Yet we all have that dream.  Especially if you’re young, or young at heart, but the bank balance is not what it should be.  Then how do you travel the world for free or nearly free?

1. Holiday Home or House Swop

We just loved the classic movie “The Holiday” which is all about two girls doing a house swop. 

Places like Homebase-hols specialize in getting you the perfect holiday house swop.

You might have to pay a membership fee to the house swapping site.  Thereafter you stay in someone else’s home for free, while they stay in your home for free.   This could turn out to be a pretty good option if you think about it…

Free to travel again

2. Mixing work and pleasure

You can get a seasonal job while traveling.  There are many seasonal jobs available at ski resorts, wine farms, or holiday resorts, etc. This will give you the perfect opportunity to do what you love.

Many of the places offer accommodation, flights and food, all included in the remuneration. 

Have a look at sites like adventurework.co.uk

3. House Sitting

House sitting gives you the opportunity to have free accommodation and in many cases that includes food to a certain extend. 

Some of the sites that might help you with finding the best opportunities are:  mindmyhouse.com or housesitworld.com.au

This is an excellent option for traveling in your own country.

Also the perfect solution for pet lovers.

House sitting while traveling

4. Work while you travel

More in line for students wanting to take a gap year, while deciding in which country they would love to stay and work:

Doing something like farm work abroad is hard work, but you’ll have the opportunity to do something really important while learning a lot.  You don’t need special experience.  They will give you the training you need.

There are many sites on the internet and most of the jobs include accommodation and food.  It may not be a paying job, maybe just a volunteer job, but at least you’ll receive free accommodation and food, while having the opportunity to learn and travel.

Sites like goabroad.com offers more information.

A fabulous site to check out is https://wwoof.net/ (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms)

Save big time on travel expenses with clever ideas on how to travel in Switzerland on a budget.

Nothing in life is totally free....right?

Obviously you can’t travel the world totally free of charge, but you can save a lot.  Often things like accommodation, flights and food are the expensive stuff.  Therefore if you can stay for free and the deal includes food, you only have to pay for your flights. 

We regularly have specials on our “Travel Deals” page.  These deals you can book direct.  No travel agents and no extra cost.

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