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Different times call for different measures and thinking out of the box. With countries going into lockdown because of Covid 19 we suddenly need to be more creative and even return to some basic lifestyle habits that our great grandparents used to follow. Something as simple as a family chat after dinner gets meaning. We have the time!

Suddenly we realize that despite thinking we are ever so smart, we are not. The solution to stop the spreading of Covid 19 proved to be more challenging.

We wake up to the fact that we do not live in our bubble, but we do indeed need each other when it comes down t0 basic survival. With Covid 19 we learn that every individual contribution has an impact, albeit negative or positive. Suddenly teamwork is no longer a cliché, but a must.

Staying indoors for a long time can be mentally exhausting and depressing. So how can we take care of our mental health? How can we own our lockdown?

  1. Gardening – for those fortunate enough to have a garden. Not only does it fight depression, but it is also a natural physical workout. Combating stress, anxiety and even high blood pressure are just some of the benefits, let alone the satisfaction once you’ve finished a garden project!
  2. Time to redecorate – We are so conditioned to associate redecorating with shopping. To the contrary! Re-arrange furniture. Mix and match. Dig out those decor items you have hidden in a closet. Have a look at what paint you have hidden in the garage. It may just be enough to create a focus wall!
  3. Write – Yes, if ever you wanted to write, this is the time to put pen to paper. Write and share your favorite recipes that you are known for.  Or start writing that book or story you wanted to do for so long.
  4. Paint – if ever you wanted to paint or draw, now is your opportunity permitted that you already have all the tools you may need.
  5. Reorganize – What a perfect time to tackle pantries, closets, the garage or even the laundry. Chuck the containers with expiry dates. What you have not used the past eighteen months….hey, it is time to put it aside to donate to a charity the first available gap you get. While you are at it, don’t skip the old magazines or books nobody reads anymore. They will be a welcome donation to a care shelter.
  6. Create dates – Hmmm, now this can be fun. A coffee shop date with the family in your dining room or around the kitchen table. Decorate the table, bake something, add flowers or greenery from the garden or add an ornament or two to jazz up the table setting. There is no lack of inspiration! Plan dinner dates with themes, or a BBQ-breakfast on the patio! And don’t forget the music – the background setting is just as important. How about a candlelight dinner for two… once the kids are tucked in bed! 
  7. Games – It’s time to dust the good old games that are not played on a digital tool. A pack of cards, Monopoly, Chess, Backgammon … the list is endless. Not all games have to be bought. Do you remember playing hangman as a child? All you need is a pen and paper! Snakes & Ladders, charades … the list is endless. For those readers with children, have the kids create a Snakes & Ladders game! For larger families, play two different games at once and alternate as you go along. Enjoy quality family time.
  8. Treasure hunt – We are only too familiar with treasure hunt come Easter-time. You can create a treasure hunt game at any time. 
  9. Exercise – On your own, or as a family. Skipping, getting fit through dancing (search YouTube), try yoga or go for a walk in a safe area. 
  10. Sleep – As a norm, we tend to dismiss the benefits of good sleep. Now is the time to catch up without feeling guilty!
  11. Read – many books received as gifts end up on a shelf. Now is the time to dust them, curl up on the couch with your favorite beverage and relax.
  12. Self-improvement – Remember that course you wanted to take? Search the internet for an online course and enroll. It will keep your mind active and a wiser you will be the result.
  13. Cellular phones – This is the “purrrrrfect” to purr over your cellphone with one single goal… to clean up all the social messages! The reward will be a cellphone with a LOT more data storage space!
  14. Coffee table albums – A task I started many a time, but never completed. I have friends that’s just brilliant in this challenge, i.e. create a hard cover photo book online. They put together a superior spread of photo memories in albums. If ever you wanted one, now is the time to make a family or friends photo album for your coffee table, of even better, as a future gift (maybe for Christmas time?). If you start now, you have lots of time to complete it and put it on order.
  15. Fix it – Start a list of handyman jobs in and around the house which you CAN fix without outside help. Then get to it…
  16. Christmas decorations – This is a time when we need to create something to look forward to. Why not be positive and start making Christmas decorations? DIY Christmas decorations will keep the young folk busy for long, …also the not so young folk (wink-wink).

So these are my ideas to get your head around the lockdown and own it. Why not write (#item 3!!) share your ideas to own your lockdown? 

I look forward to hearing from you!!

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