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Spanish Travel Words and Phrases Every Tourist Should Know

Planning a getaway to Spain? ¡Excelente elección! Whether you’re strolling along the bustling streets of Barcelona or savoring tapas in Madrid, mastering a few key Spanish phrases can enhance your travel experience. In this post, we’ll unveil 50 essential Spanish travel words and phrases that every holidaymaker should know. From basic greetings to navigating local transportation, we’ve got you covered! Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Spain with these indispensable language tips. Let’s dive in!

Learning Spanish for Beginners

Speaking a few words of Spanish while visiting a Spanish-speaking country can work wonders for your travel experience! Not only does it show respect for the local culture, but it also opens doors to genuine connections with the friendly locals. Even a simple “¡Hola!” or “Gracias” can go a long way in winning hearts and creating goodwill. Locals appreciate the effort, and you’ll often find them more willing to assist you with directions, recommendations, or even bargaining at local markets. By embracing the language, you’re not just a tourist but a respectful guest immersing yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Spanish life.

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Did you know?

There are plenty of options to put your Español to the test. Here’s a list of the 21 countries that have Spanish as their official language: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, 
El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Perú
Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

English Spanish Pronunciation
Happy birthday!
¡Feliz cumpleaños!
feh-lees coom-pleh-ah-nyos
¡Muchas felicidades!
moo-chas feh-lee-see-da-dehs
Good luck!
¡Buena suerte!
bwe-na -sweɾ-te
Good night
Buenas noches
BWEH-nahs NOH-chehs
All the best!
¡Te deseo lo mejor!
teh deh-seh-oh lo meh-hore
I like / I don't like
Me gusta / No me gusta
meh goose-tah / no meh goose-tah
I want / I don’t want. (Casual form only used when ordering at restaurants.)
Yo quiero / Yo no quiero
yoh kee-eh-roh) / (yoh noh kee-eh-roh
wifi? / What is the password?
wifi? / ¿Cual es la contraseña?
vee-fee / kwal es la con-tra-sen-ya?
Help me, please.
Ayuda me, por favor.
ayu-dah, por faa-bor
I understand / I don’t understand
Yo entiendo / No entiendo
yoh ehn-tee-ehn-doh) / (yoh noh ehn-tee-ehn-doh
How much does it cost?
¿Cuánto cuesta?
kwahn-toh kwehs-tah?
I’m sorry, I don’t speak Spanish
Lo siento, no hablo español
lo syen-toh, no ah-bloh es-pah-nyol
I’m lost
Estoy perdido
ehs-TOY pehr-DEE-dah
Good, thanks
Muy bien, grasci
MOO-ee byehn, GRAH-syahs
Thank you
Yes / No
Sí / No
Today / Tomorrow
Hoy / Mañana
oy / ma-nyah-nah
I'm sorry
Lo siento
loh seehn-toh
Excuse me (begging pardon)
Do you speak English?
Habla ingles?
ah-bvlah een-glehs
I need a doctor
Necesito un medico
neh-seh-SEE-toh OON MEH-dee-coh
I don’t feel well
Me siento mal
meh SYEHN-toh mahl
Beer / Red, White wine / Water / Coffee
Cerveza / Vino tinto, blanco / Agua / Un café
sehr-VAY-sah / BEE-noh teen-toh, blahn-koh / AG-gwah / on kah-feh
The bill, please!
La cuenta, por favor
lah KWEHN-tah, pohr fah-BOHR
My name is ...
Mi nombre es
mi nom-bray es
Entrance / Exit
Entrad / Salida
en-trah-dah / sah-lee-dah
Where is the bathroom?
¿Dónde está el baño?
DOHN-deh ehss-TAH EHL BAH-nyoh
Where is the nearest bus stop?
¿Dónde está la parada de autobús más cercana?
DOHN-deh ehs-TAH lah pah-RAH-dah deh ow-toh-BOOS mahs sehr-KAH-nah?
Where can I find a taxi?
¿Dónde puedo encontrar un taxi?
Dohn-day pway-doh en-cone-trahr oon tahk-see
Please take me to this address.
Por favor, llévame a esta dirección.
Pore fah-vore, yay-vah-may ah ess-tah dee-rek-see-ohn
How much is the fare?
¿Cuánto cuesta?
Kwan-toh kways-tah
Where is the train station?
¿Dónde está la estación de tren?
Dohn-day ess-tah lah ess-tah-see-ohn day tren
Do you go to the airport?
¿Va al aeropuerto?
Vah al ay-roh-pwer-toh
Can you help me with my luggage?
¿Me puede ayudar con mi equipaje?
May pway-day ah-yoo-dahr cone mee eh-kee-pah-hay
Excuse me, does this bus go to [destination]?
Disculpe, ¿este autobús va hacia [destination]?
dees-KOOL-peh, EH-steh ow-toh-BOOS bah AH-syah [destination]?
Which platform does the train to [destination] leave from?
¿De qué andén sale el tren hacia [destination]?
PWEH-deh deh-EER-meh DOHN-deh ehs-TAH lah pah-RAH-dah deh TAH-kiss?
Is there a metro station nearby?
¿Hay una estación de metro cerca?
eye OO-nah ehs-tah-see-OHN deh MAY-troh SEHR-kah?

I find that the basic words and phrases are sufficient to sail through my holiday. And on the odd occasion when I need a little bit more, I open my Google Translate application. The Google Translate application comes in handy when you find yourself shopping for groceries, like when you are on a self-catering holiday because you can scan the products’ labels for instant translation!

How to teach yourself Spanish

Travel Tip(s)

If you want to learn more Spanish, I recommend using Mondly as your tutorial. Mondly’s lessons are designed to simulate real-life situations, which is perfect for preparing for a holiday in a Spanish-speaking country. Mondly includes voice recognition technology that helps you improve your pronunciation. This is particularly useful for building confidence in speaking Spanish during your travels.

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